Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Handspun Leftovers, Yarn Swift, and Horn Straps

1. Handspun Leftovers

So, the Last Son of Krypton handspun was spun using one type of roving in yellow and red and another in shades of blue. I ended up spinning the blue out longer than the yellow/red, so I had extra of the blue ply. I decided to practice my Navajo plying with the extra.

Blue Handspun

I like the way it turned out. I just need to figure out a use for it now.

2. Yarn Swift

I recently purchased a yarn swift. I ended up spending 6 hours on a Saturday untangling a skein of yarn I was trying to get going on my yarn winder and decided that I wasn't going to be doing that anymore. I had two skeins from Gnome Acres still in the skein, so I tested it out and it was wonderful.

Yarn Swift Sep 2013

Yarn Swift Sep 2013

Oh, Dining Room Table. There's always something on there. Those patterns, power drill, Wheat Thins, and cookie sheet have been there for months. It's kind of no man's land. When everyone's home, the table ends up covered under college stuff. When everyone's off at college/moving out, we all fit in the kitchen and don't use the dining room to eat, so it becomes an office/storage area. And until my sister's completely moved out, it's where I'll be winding yarn skeins because it's the perfect sized table for this.

3. Horn Straps

I have this horn that I bought at a Renaissance Faire years ago. I used to wear it all the time and sound it on command at the faires, but it started slipping out of its flimsy suede strap.

Crochet Horn Straps

I determined that I could make a better, more secure strap for this horn.

Crochet Horn Straps

I'm pleased with it, but I don't think I'll be crocheting with suede again. That stuff's hard on the hands.

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