Monday, June 10, 2013

Handspun, Man Soap, and Ray Guns

1. Handspun

Been kicking myself into gear for the past couple of weeks into getting my handspun stuff spun and up at My Etsy Shop, so here it is! This is all up and live and for sale now!


Anduin Handspun Anduin Handspun


Smaug Handspun Smaug Handspun


Delirium Handspun Delirium Handspun

Delirium Handspun Delirium Handspun

Lollipop Guild:

Lollipop Guild Handspun Lollipop Guild Handspun


Tesseract Handspun Tesseract Handspun

And I've still got roving to finish up, so... exciting!

2. Man Soap

Man Soap

I'm on a handmade soap kick because the shower gels and stuff were really making my eczema Hulk out on me. I've been mostly buying stuff from local craft fairs and such. Pretty much every person I've talked to got into making soap because of similar skin conditions, so I've been in pretty good hands, but there was a gap in the craft fair season where I was nearing the end of a bar of soap and I might not be able to make it to the next craft thing on my list because of possible wisdom teeth extraction, so I decided to stock up a bit.

These are from Elegant Rose Boutique. It sounds like a fancy, feminine soap place, but they also have neutral things and masculine things. I went with the Man Soap gift set.

3. Ray Guns

I definitely just impulse!bought this ray gun knitting bag. Yep.

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