Thursday, July 10, 2014


Holy butts, guys, I'm so excited to show off these beauties. I'm so very pleased with them.

I've never made a quilt before. My grandma's been an avid quilter all my life and has been one of the primary craft influences in my life. I don't see her that often, but she's always asked about what I'm working on and what things I want to try and always has advice for whatever I'm doing (except spinning... that one stumped her).

I'm tempted to tell you the whole story about why I never tried quilting in middle school or high school and veered off into crocheting instead, but it can be a long story to tell. Namely, after a fire at my grandma's house, hours and hours of washing her bolts of quilt fabric to see what was salvageable, and seeing the investment she put into her new craft room when she had the basement redone after the fire, I found quilting incredibly daunting. Too much time, too much money, and too many small fiddly triangles.

You know me. I tend to throw myself into crafting without necessarily checking to see if where I'm starting is a good place for beginners. Quilting just seemed too deep a pool to jump into.

But you also know that I've been drawn to trying a whole bunch of new craft things since I started earning a paycheck and started having more space at home to work with. So it was time. I was going to make a quilt.

I uhh... made two.


Mini-Quilt Mini-Quilt Mini-Quilt

I bought a jellyroll thing from Jo-Ann's that I liked the look of and cut each strip down to 2" squares. I sewed them together so the difference fabrics blocked out diagonally and quilted in diagonal lines across the middle of the squares like "X"s. The texture on this one is really nice and I like this one better than I thought I would. I thought this quilt was going to be the boring one.


Mini-Quilt Mini-Quilt Mini-Quilt

I bought a second jellyroll thing for this one in the same fabric options and just sewed the strips together. Why not, right? I only quilted this one in the ditch (or along the seams that were already there). I liked the lines that way. Also, this one was the first one I actually quilted the layers for and I was nervous. I figured the other one was easier to hide mistakes on.

Overall, I'd like to make a bigger quilt or two. Try tying a quilt instead of machine quilting it, maybe. Try some interesting modern quilt things I saw on Craftsy. There were definitely issues with making these, mostly my own impatience, but also machine quilting can be really hard. My sewing machine and I had a fight a couple of times and it was really hard to get to the middle of these things on a regular sewing machine.

But I'm really glad I finished these suckers. I learned a lot.


1 comment:

Fayme Zelena Harper said...

Congrats on finishing something new and daunting and out of your comfort zone.
I'm just about to make a crazy quilt, an entirely different kind of quilt. You might enjoy making one since they are more portable and eclectic than traditional quilts. I'm going to make a Steampunk version. I can even imagine making a Steampunk crazy quilt vest or frock coat.
Anyway, I love seeing you grow as an artist.