Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

Happy Easter, folks!

Here's the annual look at some ridiculous dyed eggs that I made!

Easter 2014

Mom didn't find a themed kit for us this year, so we were working with a plain ol' egg dye kit and some leftovers from a few years ago. Which I clearly took advantage of.

Easter 2014 Easter 2014

Easter 2014

I always start my Easter eggs with some ugly crayon scribbles and then the dye them. Because I'm a child. :D

And then I made a bunch of weird faces with monster eyeball and mouth stickers.

Easter 2014 Easter 2014

Easter 2014 Easter 2014

Easter 2014 Easter 2014

It's the most fun that I have with this holiday, really. There are few pointless things as fun as coloring eggs.

Easter's one of the big holidays in my house because my mom is Catholic, but I think most of us have wandered away from that faith. So half of the day ends up an awkward dance through the semi-unfamiliar ritual of church these days, but I was actually glad I went to mass today. There was this Young-Guy-Priest nervously puttering around helping out Polish Priest today and he sang the Easter Sequence in Latin with this beautiful voice. No accompaniment or anything, just his voice and good acoustics in the church and it was lovely.

Also, there was candy when we got home. Yes.


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